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Friday, October 21, 2005

why ICICI ventures shouldnt buy into Scandent

decent people dont buy stolen goods. decent people dont buy stolen goods even if its paper wrapped to mask it identity.

but what does this have to do with Scandent and icici ventures.
well, Scandent has a sordid past to put it mildly. the company was formed by buying sticky assets from the promoters of companies like DSQ Software and SSI Ltd, at the expense of minority shareholders. The transaction between dsq and the company is supposed to be under investigation.

so, why is icici ventures buying this company? may be, it is available cheap and yield good profits.
but then how different are the people at ICICI ventures from the mason building my house who wants to buy some stolen sand at less than half the price? may be, only the pocket being filled is larger.

i know that the following line could be considered irresponsible and in bad taste.
but i have an awful feeling that the folks who put through this deal at ICICI ventures may not be squeaky clean.

some links on ramesh vangal and dsq




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