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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Peter drucker emerges from the morning sun - leads to a "changed society"

i have a feeling that peter drucker always wanted to walk quietly into the evening sun. he lived in small town US and was associated with a lesser ranked university.
Though a prolific writer , he gave few interviews and was featured in the press far less than he deserved or could have easily got. (being a former journalist he knew how the system worked and could have had reporters eating off his hands).

i guess the press in the last few days had put out almost all that one needs to know about him -
from his birth to an intellectual family in vienna, living thro WWII , synthesizing the field of management from social sciences and engineering disciplines, to pathbreaking concepts like management by objectives.

i have a few thoughts about him which has been missed by the mainstream orbit writers.

1. influence of danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard
drucker learnt danish in a very short time - some say 2 weeks - to read kierkegaard's writing in original. he was very much influenced by the K's concept of the influence of religion on society and varies principles he espoused. this, i believe laid the foundation for drucker's beliefs in life.

2. learning from catholic church.
the catholic church had then an overpowering influence on businesses and the state. i believe that views on drucker's on social responsibility of business are derived from the church.

3. Forget predicting the future - take a look at what happening today.
this is the key lesson i learnt from his works. he was so focussed on trying to understand the present rather than make grandiose statements about the future. if he say things about the future it was based on events happening today.

4. A great philosopher- leads to a "changed society"
drucker has changed how companies work to put it mildly. and many of us lucky enough to use
the net probably work for a company or are associated with one in some way. he has changed the way we work and it effects will be felt longer than we can think of.

5. his death will spark an interest in his work.
drucker was in many was not a part of the mainstream management bandwagon. he was truly a bystander. his work based on logic rather than on models or empirical evidence was not used by mainstream academia , as much it should have been. his death , i believe, will lead to a greater use of his work.

6. three year system
drucker studied a topic for three years . Japanese art to india history. his gave him a breadth of knowledge few possess. incidentally, he rated Indian Civil service, under the british the best middle management in the world. the top management was involved in the world wars and the lower management was not very good, yet the ICS, he says, did a gr8 job.

7. never predict the stock market!
drucker, as it now well known, predict a gr8 bull run just before the 1929 crash. my sensex target of 5000 looks just a ridiculous now. lets see a year later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well thought and well written...the church perspective is quite interesting...

11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:19 AM  

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